Sunday, January 22, 2017

All About Real Flame Gel Fireplaces

Looking For Cheap Flights To Madrid

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Real Flame makes many kinds of gel fireplaces, and one style is the Zen Personal Garden fireplace that looks like an elegant little box and on it are pebbles and designs and then in the center burns a small glowing flame that will transform your entire room into a peaceful and Oriental paradise.

If you like the more modern style, you will love the see through box that contains the flame inside and can be seen from every single side of it. It sits in a thick black tray and can be placed in any part or space of the room and looks like a giant fish tank with fire in it. This will make your house or room look ultra modern and high tech and grant it a futuristic glow. If you want something that is more elegant, Real Flame makes Victorian styles that will bring you to elegant days of refinement and elegance and if you want a more cottage type appeal, then you will enjoy ones made of rich oak and shiny, polished and prim looking maple.

For modern and regal, there are some mahogany ones that have golden plates and rich swirls and they will make your house look stunning as the fires burn in the center of it. Transform your house into something from a home style magazine with these elegant and wonderfully stylish gel fireplaces. No matter what the style of your house, you will be pleased with the vast selection of colors and styles.

In olden times and not too long ago, people would burn real wood in fireplaces and watch them go up in flames. This required the cutting down of many trees and then their use in the home to make fires. In the winter, people would do this daily and need great amounts of wood. Then, after burning, the smoke would rise from the chimney, travel to the air, and then spread all over the world, causing pollution and air traffic.

But now, with Real Flame gel fireplaces, there is a new way to have a sparkling fire in your home without harming the environment and by doing it in a way that saves trees and reduces pollution but still allows you to have fires in your home. Since gel fires use false logs that do not actually burn, you will not be harming a single tree as you repeatedly use the logs over and over and burn them to your liking and degree.

Burning fires the old fashioned way creates great environmental hazards and contributes to many greenhouse gases that are rapidly becoming one of the greatest problems faced today. But with a Real Flame gel fire, you use gel fuel, predominantly made up of alcohol, to make this fire and then you enjoy the flames that occur but need no chimney and use no gas or electricity to make this happen. This is beneficial to the environment as nothing is cut up and nothing is burned that will release toxic gases or pollutants into the environment.

Real Flame also offers outdoor and indoor gel fire places that come with gel conversion packs and false logs that can be moved around your house to vary the décor and last a long time.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

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