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Although India is not a major producer of copper ore, it is an important producer of refined copper. Indias production of refined copper is approximately around 4% of total world production and in terms of figures it is around six lakh tons. India is in fact one of the major importer of copper ore. It exports huge amount of copper ore and uses it to produce refined form of copper ore. This can be attributed to shortage of copper mines in India. The copper production in India depends on the import of copper ore exclusively.
There are three major organizations in India which handle production of copper from its ore. They are Birla Copper, Hindustan Copper Ltd., and Sterlite Industries. Among these 3 companies, Hindustan Copper Ltd. Belongs to Indian public sector and the other two are the parts of private sector. Incidentally, meager quantities of copper produced in India are extracted from the mines of copper located at Khetri and Malanjkhand parts of the country. India is also involved in the production of submersible winding wire, braided connectors, copper flexible connectors, stranded wire and armored cables.
Demand of copper in India is very low. Moreover, India suffers in production of copper as there is extreme shortage of copper mines in India; therefore India has to depend on imported copper ores. Also, very few companies in India are involved in refining and extraction of copper from its ores.
You have Indian market divided into primary as well as secondary parts. The overall domestic consumption of copper is nearly 5.5 lakh tons. It might be worthwhile to know that a major ten percentage of total copper consumption is contributed by major tele-communication providers BSNL as well as MTNL. Remaining demand is from construction as well as automobile sector. These companies require copper for making submersible winding wire, braided connectors, copper flexible connectors, stranded wire as well as armored cables. These copper products are high in demand and India has regularly imported copper from Canada, Indonesia, Chile and Australia for meeting the domestic requirements. The overall copper price in the Indian market actually relies on the prices in the London Metal Exchange.
The price fluctuations in London Metal Exchange in turn depend upon the total production level of the copper in the world. Copper is traded as a significant commodity in London Metals Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange as well as New York Mercantile Exchange.
There are a large number of copper wire manufacturers in India who manufacture copper products in large quantities. The copper industry in India is seeking a visible growth.
I Nick Taylor after intense Research of PVC wire, submersible winding wire, braided connectors, copper flexible connectors, stranded wire, bare copper wire, tinned copper wire, armored cables, we presented our best efforts and performance through Rajasthan Electric Industries.
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Analyzing, copper, India, Production
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