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The color of leaves change to yellows, reds and browns to signal the arrival of autumn, which marks the transition from summer into winter. When autumn comes, the sky is a deep azure and mists curl across the fields. The crisp days of autumn are a perfect time to explore Britain’s countryside. Britain in Europe, one of three regions of the world including most of Canada and the United States, Eastern Asia, is famous for colored autumn foliage. In autumn, oak forests are glorious and moorland is scattered with junipers and birchwoods. The myriad of autumn colors may take your breath away. However, if visiting Britain is impossible, visitors still enjoy its fall colors through beautiful pictures.
An autumnal path
Mixed gourds are exhibited at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Autumn Harvest Show which features fruits and vegetables entered into RHS competitions.
Autumn colours atKew Gardens
A giant Fly Agaric mushroom
Autumn red leaves from a Virginia creeper spread across a guest house in the centre of Middleham, North Yorkshire
Britain is noted for the brilliance of its autumnal foliage, which attracts major tourism.
Keith Evetts says: "Crab-apples in my garden in Thames Ditton, Surrey, say a tearful goodbye to Summer" (Picture: Keith Evetts)
A red deer stag in Richmond Park is surrounded by the varied landscape of hills, human habitation, woodland gardens and grasslands
Colors of autumn in Exhibition Park located in the heart of Newcastle and less than five minutes away from the A167 are changing.
Turkshead pumpkins
Berberis plants, genera of about 450-500 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs from 1-5 m tall with thorny shoots (Picture: Steve Hawker)
Autumn colours at Grasmere, a popular tourist destination, in the centre of the English Lake District (Picture: Trev Earthy)
Autumn leaves in Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire(Picture: Shirley Smits)
"Filberts/ Kentish cobnuts. Good crop in 2010" (Picture: Chris Baker)
This autumn picture is taken around Shevington, Wigan.
Related links:
Britain\'s Best Autumn Walks
The Best Autumn Food Festivals
Autumn Planting
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autumn, Britain, COLORS
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