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A lot of individuals have been having this misconception that they need to be at a certain heart rate in order for them to burn fat during exercise. In fact, when you go to gyms, this is one of their major selling points. You will see so many cardio machines having little gadgets that let you monitor your heart rate.
Gym trainers would want you to believe that if you stay at 60% - 75% of your maximum heart rate, you would be able to burn fat faster. It may be true that when you are at this heart rate, you are able to use fat as fuel for your workout, it would still require you to train longer.
To clearly illustrate, for example you have Twin 1 and Twin 2. Both are exercising but using different tactics. Twin 2 walks at the park at 65% of his maximum heart rate. He is also considered to be in his fat burning zone. Twin 2 is doing sprints back and forth, repetitively, and is at 95% - 100% of his maximum heart rate.
Twin 2 will definitely lose fat quicker. There are actually three reasons for this. First, Twin 2 is burning more calories because he is doing more work. Second, Twin 2 is able to increase his metabolism, which will continue to work even after his training. Third, he gets to disrupt homeostasis more effectively because of the nature of his training, which is a start-and-stop one.
With all the three reasons, you would see that Twin 2 burns more calories doing his start-stop exercise compared to Twin 1 who is supposedly in the fat burning zone. This is because Twin 2's metabolism continues to work, burning fat, even when he is already resting.
Twin 1, meanwhile, needs to keep on walking and do the same form of training for a longer time, because he burns lesser calories in the process. So he has to wait for quite some time before he would see the same results that Twin 2 achieves through his start-stop nature of training.
Looking at the example, you could immediately see that training at harder intensities is more advantageous compared to staying in the fat burning zone. A hard intensity workout needs you to train for a short time only yet see better results and at a faster rate.
So if gym staff or personal trainers try to tell you that you have to use cardio machines and to make sure your heart rate is at 60% - 75% of your maximum to burn fat, don't believe them because it is a myth. Working out at harder intensities will always be better to lose fat quicker.
Looking to find the best deal on losing body fat, then visit josephcoyne.com to find the best advice on how to lose body fat effectively.
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