Monday, January 30, 2017

"I Won't Hire You!" - 5 Personality and Character Traits Managers Dislike in an Employee

Looking For Cheap Flights To Ohio

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You've put in applications for numerous jobs. You've been selected for an interview. What do you need to know to go from unemployed to employed and there after? You need to know what personality and character traits the manager dislikes in an employee. Read on to discover the top five things that scream "don't hire me".

You don't show up on time or don't show up at all. The interviewer's time is important. You must be considerate of this and show up for the day and time that you are scheduled to interview. There is a saying "if you're on time, you're late and if you're early, you're on time". Strive to arrive a few minutes earlier than you are scheduled.

You don't care about your appearance. Managers' perception of your appearance also carries over to their perception of how you will perform on the job. If you dress sloppy, they feel that you may do sloppy work. Always dress appropriately for the job. Baggy, torn, dirty, or revealing clothes are not good for the workplace. Personal hygiene is also important. Bathing, shaving, and deodorant application are essential to prevent offensive odors and promote a clean look.

You have a negative or indifferent attitude. You cannot let the negative aspects of a previous job carry over into your next job interview. The interview with the hiring manager is neither the time nor place to let them know how bad your former boss was. Turn the negative things about your old job into positives. Avoid making the mistake of acting like you don't care whether you get the job or not. The manager wants to know that you are interested in the position for which you are applying.

You lack of drive and ambition. Being unfocused or unmotivated is a red flag to the hiring manager that you are lazy and apathetic. You need to know where you're going in your career and how you plan to get there. Show them how much you really want to work for their company.

You are not responsible or trustworthy. Lying on your application, resume, or job interview is the quickest way to get you eliminated from consideration for the job. It is so easy for employers to prove or disprove information that they have been given. Don't be unprepared for the interview. If you haven't researched the company, brought a copy of your resume, or practiced some interview questions, you haven't done your homework. The more prepared you are, the more they will take you seriously.

If you feel like you did great on an interview but you still aren't getting hired, pay attention to these undesirable traits and turn the negatives into positives to make the interviewer take notice of you.

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Character, Dislike, Employee, Hire, Managers, personality, Traits, won't

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