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Is India a good travel destination? Is it really worth all that money you are going to drop, and how much will the trip cost? The article will tell you of the best places to go in India for a minimal price that doesn't negotiate the quality of cuisine, architecture and culture.
As we know, India has been a spotlight for a couple of years with Bollywood dances, music, and clothing and jewelery inspired by the country; however, is it a good travel destination? Cheap flights india come usually $ 1000 â $ 1500 and even more on holidays. Not to mention the grueling 12 hour or more airplane ride to get there. We all know how much fun it is to sit in those crammed seats and to do it for 12 hours should be for a good reason.
India is absolutely worth the long travel and the expense, but why? India features beaches, culture, and food. A traveler's dream. In India if you stay at a nice hotel in somewhere like Goa, a beach paradise that was once a colony, you will expect to pay 100 dollars a night with an included continental breakfast. Now let's see here, if you stay in Vegas for a night you end up paying 300 dollars for a decent room and their "continental breakfast" is a bagel and coffee.
Besides the cheap stay in India when you stay at a place like Goa tours, you are right at the beach. Goa also features some the the hottest clubs in India. Yes, you might not think thats a lot of culture but it is fun for the night. The culture comes in at lunch time. Restaurants litter the street in Goa.
Try to pick a traditional one and you will know its traditional because it will have a bright yellow sign saying, "TRADITIONAL FOOD!". The food is splendid and I can't even describe the flavors. A spicy splash in the dal, a side-dish in which you dip your roti, wheat rolled out and baked, in. Food is something that everyone enjoys so it will never be a let down.
After eating some lunch maybe you can walk by the beach and enjoy the warm sand beneath your feet. Goa is never under 80 degrees, so any time of the year is vacation time. If you want to enjoy the culture of India, you will see the best of it in Jaipur city. Jaipur is a couple of hundred kilometers away so just take the plane. Another flight will cost you about 100 bucks. Once you are in Jaipur you witness a whole new world. Jaipur is nothing like Goa in the sense that it is not modernized. I reccomend to go within these 5 years because the city is quickly developing and people are breaking down the beautiful architecture it was once and still is known for.
Jaipur tour features beautiful architecture and cuisine. The food there is quite different and distinct. They cook some mean okra with something called a bati; I still haven't figured out what a bati is made of. Jaipur was a war city and has tons of great forts and gates that surround the city. The forts have been there since in 16th century and still maintain their glory, the best part is you can actually go inside them. Jaipur also features a place called, Choki Dhani. Choki Dhani is a village set up to mimic the old and traditional India and thier culture. You will see traditional dances, food, and entertainment. They have a maze that was used in the old times to test someones wits, a "bar" which features Indian lemonade, a puppet show, women dressed up in traditional wear and dancing with 10 pots all set on fire and my personal favorite, camels you can ride. Choki Dhani will cost you about 25 dollars to enter and if you want to stay in teh hotel some more money. It depends on teh room.
All in all India tours is a beautiful destination and it may seem like a hassle to get there but it is worth it. The ticket will run you 1250 dollars on average but the rest of your trip, which I will assume is 2 weeks will end you up on a total 1600 dollars in food, top of the line hotels, taking a flight to Jaipur and visiting Choki Dhani. The end cost will be about 2000 dollars. I strongly urge you to go to India and if you have it on your list of destinations, go as quickly as you can because India is slowly turning into a modern country and forgetting and erasing its true roots.
Raj Aryan is a content writer. Presently working with a India Travels company. Find India Travel Guide and India Travel Agency
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