Sunday, January 22, 2017

Is Your Child's Reading Up to Speed? Five Signs to Look For and What You Can Do About It

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According to the National Research Bureau of Michigan's Department of Education 60% of children between the ages of 3 to 8 years, will face challenges when it comes to reading.

For 20 to 30% of these children, reading is one of the most difficult tasks they will ever encounter in school. Most poor readers will benefit from prevention, early intervention programs such as phonics, fluency development, and reading comprehensions strategies with highly trained teachers.

If your child is a poor reader in grade 1 they will probably be a poor reader in grade 4. If they do not receive help by age nine, 75% will have difficulty reading in high school and university. There is a 10 to 15% drop out rate in high school and a 4% drop out rate in college.

One half of all adolescents and young adults who have criminal records have reading difficulties.

The National Institute for Literacy in the USA defines reading activities as: word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. It is also a major foundational skill for everyone in school - based learning.

According to the Structure of Intellect good basic reading skills are classified differently. Before the child or youth is able to experience reading activities as noted above, they must first have the abilities required for excellent vision well developed. Watch for these signs that could indicate that their vision skills are undeveloped:

1) Do they squint and rub their eyes when reading?

2) Do they have to use their finger to keep their place when they read?

3) Are they able to see all the letters clearly or are they fuzzy and out of focus?

4) When in class do they have difficulty making quick focusing changes when looking up from their desk to the blackboard and back to their desk again.

5) Are they able to describe quickly what they are reading about?

If your child has difficulty seeing clear images they might also be described by their teacher as unable to concentrate or are easily distracted. This could be because they're unable to see clear images. In order to see clearly their right and left eye must coordinate perfectly for the optic nerves of the brain to combine them into a single image. If this does not happen they will see double print, or become fatigued quickly or the letters of the words could look blurry and scrambled to them.

One young boy I worked with had to move his head from left to right in order to read. He could not follow in a straight line and barely finished a quarter page of reading before he would give up. His teachers classified him with learning disabilities and set him up for testing in the distant future. Michael, started my SOI training program in September. In November his parents called me to come to their house because they wanted to show me something. I arrived to see both parents and Michael seated together in the living room. Michael had a book in his hands and once I was seated, started reading aloud. His reading was word perfect and had a tone of confidence. He read a whole page before he set the book down. All three were exuberant at Michael's progress. I continued to work with Michael over the next year and a half. He became a good reader, and excellent at making his own fishing flies! His vision had corrected itself and in turn was strengthening other abilities.

Reading glasses can correct blurry vision. But vision therapy consisting of special eye exercises, is now recognized by the National Eye Institute as the most effective treatment for Convergence Insufficiency or blurred vision.

If your child has any of the above symptoms they could be diagnosed as learning disabled, having ADD or ADHD or dyslexia. Check out their vision first. I recommend seeing a Structure Of Intellect Practitioner or an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy.

As a certified Life Management Leadership Trainer of 25 years, Joan faced challenges of sweeping cognitive diversity in both youth and adults enrolled in her classes.

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