Monday, January 30, 2017

Make Your Ex Jealous - Tips to Get Your Boyfriend Back

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Making your ex boyfriend jealous is one sure way to get his attention. After being dumped, your ex is still watching you to see what kind of reaction you're having. He actually hopes to see you upset: not because he wants to hurt you, but because he wants to know you still love him. The days or weeks after your break up are prime time to plant seeds of jealousy in your ex's head, and you can do this in a number of ways.

Before you do anything however, you need to carefully consider your options. There's a big difference between making your ex-boyfriend feel pangs of jealousy and playing mind-games designed to bring him back to you. Getting back together through the use of manipulation will lead to an unstable relationship, meaning you'll only end up breaking up again. In order to win back your boyfriend you'll first need to make your ex want you back. This requires using just enough 'good' jealousy to get the job done, while avoiding 'bad' jealousy by not going overboard.

One of the best ways to make your ex jealous? By shedding the shackles of your break as if it means nothing to you. When your boyfriend dumps you, don't fight the break up. Instead, agree with it and accept it immediately. The very next day let him see you out with friends, smiling and laughing and acting as if nothing happened. Don't call him, email him, or text-message your ex. Ignore any ex-boyfriend contact. If you're around him by default, don't even look his way.

By going on with your life, you're casting grave doubts over his decision to end your relationship. Suddenly he's standing there all alone, and you're surrounded by people you're having fun with. Instead of seeing you at home, depressed, and crying over the break up... he's seeing you act as if you've suddenly been set free. He'll start wondering how much you really cared about him to begin with, and realize that maybe he was the one dependent on you (and not the other way around). By doing this you're not only making your ex-boyfriend jealous, you're also shattering his whole opinion of the break up... and it might even shock him into wanting you back immediately, before you get away!

Another great way to breed jealousy: flirting with another guy. However, you should be extremely cautious if you decide to do this. Playing silly games with your ex boyfriend could destroy any chance you have of getting back together with him. Mind games, head games... these things aren't cool. Guys are very anti-drama, and the more involved you make this the worse off it'll be even if you do end up boyfriend and girlfriend again. It's possible that your ex could resent you for what he perceives to be an indiscretion while the two of you were on a break.

That being said, there's nothing much wrong with your ex seeing that suddenly he has a little competition. A good way to make your ex feel jealous is to go out with a group of friends, both guys and girls. This kind of dynamic is a fun way to get your mind off the break up, and you can interact with other guys as well. And the more people you involve, the better the chance that word of it will get back to your ex. You can talk, laugh, flirt, and have fun with other guys... after all, your ex broke up with you. He has no opinion on what you should be doing and no control over you anymore, but in the back of his mind he'll be jealous of all the stuff you're up to. No guy wants to see his ex dating or seeing another man, even after having broken up with her. And especially if your ex hasn't moved on himself just yet.

If you choose to use another guy to create jealousy with an ex boyfriend, there are two cardinal rules to follow: first, never try it with any of his friends. Not only is it least likely to work, but you're going to damage any future relationship you'll have with your boyfriend once you do end up getting your ex back. And second, never let it go too far. Not if you want to date him again. If you're looking for a new relationship? Go for it. But if you're still in love with your ex-boyfriend and still want him back in your life, you can't do anything that will require an explanation later on. Think about the reverse scenario: if you wouldn't want him doing it to you, it's probably off-limits.

These are just some ways to make your ex-boyfriend jealous. Be sure to check out the whole 8-Step process to winning back your boyfriend. And for the basics on how to make your ex want you again, visit Get Back Your Ex! -- signs he wants you back - signs your ex boyfriend still loves you.

"What are the signs my ex boyfriend wants me back?" Is that one of the questions you've been asking friends recently? When we go through a break up and then realize that we are still in love with our ex, we're in a difficult position. Is it best to simply try and forget about him and move on or should you try and get him back? It seems that everyone has an opinion on this but the only opinion that truly matters is your own. If you want him back, you need to try and get him back. Before that can happen you have to determine whether there's a chance for a renewed romance between you two. Knowing whether or not he wants you back isn't nearly as hard as you might think.

One of the signs that your ex hasn't gotten over you yet is his desire to stay in touch with you. In the case of a welcomed break up most men can't get far away from their ex girlfriend fast enough. They stop all contact and they never think twice about it. When a man still has lingering feelings for his ex, he'll want to keep some type of a connection alive. He'll either call or text message her regularly to see how she is. On a related note, if your ex has asked you to be friends, take that as a great sign. It usually means that he wants to reestablish a bond with you, and a friendship is a great way to do that.

Another way to tell what's really going on in the heart of your ex boyfriend is his interest in your current dating status. Let's face it, when a relationship ends and we're glad about it, we don't care either way if our ex starts seeing someone new. Sometimes we're even relieved when we know there's a new woman in the picture because it means he won't be coming back. Your boyfriend is asking out of concern more than curiosity. He wants to know if there's any new competition for your affection. Although you may think it's wise to try and make him jealous, don't resort to this. It won't work. Playing with a man's emotions in this way can actually make him pull back from you forever. A good rule of thumb is to just not date if you still care for your ex. That leaves you open and available in case he wants to get back together too.

Wishful thinking can only carry you so far when you're hoping to get back together with an ex boyfriend. When we want something very badly we tend to let our imaginations get the best of us and we may misread signals or see things that simply aren't there. If you are intent on having a future with your ex there are some unmistakable signs he wants you back. If you notice any of these happening, there's a lot of reason to hope that he wants you back just as much as you want him.

One of the clear signs he wants you back is how often he contacts you. Normally when a relationship ends and the man has decided to move on with his life, he just won't contact his ex anymore. If your ex boyfriend regularly calls you to see how you are or he texts or emails you to keep in touch, that's a sign that he's still harboring strong feelings for you. If you've been the one initiating contact with him, stop it for a few weeks and see how often you hear from him. If it's more than a few times a week, he wants to stay close because he still cares for you.

During the course of your relationship it's very likely that your ex would come to you for advice. If he's still doing that it's one of the signs he wants you back. If he's turning to you to help him make some important decisions it shows that he still values your opinion. If you want him back listen carefully to the issue and offer whatever support and guidance you can. Show him, through your actions, that you still care for him too.

Jealousy tends to sneak into almost every relationship. If your ex continually asks about your life love that's one of the signs he wants you back. If he didn't feel emotionally connected to you anymore it wouldn't matter at all to him if you were dating someone else. If you'd like to get back together with him it's important not to date others. Once a man realizes that his ex is with another man he can lose interest very quickly and any chance of reconciliation will be lost.

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