Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Beauty of Diamonds

Looking For Health & Beauty

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For many years diamonds have been an obsession of people all across the world. The beauty and value of diamonds is appreciated more than any other gem. They are regarded as the most popular stone used in engagement and wedding rings and are a symbol of undying love.

Diamonds are also a favorite in other jewelry as well. From diamond earrings to diamond bracelets to diamond necklaces, there are endless possibilities in having stunningly beautiful jewelry. What is it that is so unique about diamonds?

Gemologists have found that no two diamonds are the same. This means that each and every diamond has it's own beautiful design. The variety in cut and color of each individual diamond gives each it's own special appearance. The shine and brilliance of diamonds make them truly one of nature's most prized creations.

Diamonds were first discovered many years ago. It is believed they were found in India around 800 B.C. Since that day people have been mesmerized by their beauty. For many years only royalty wore diamonds to symbolize their strength. Now common people enjoy wearing diamonds every day. The value of diamonds is rated by their quality. There are different grades of diamonds and this also determines their worth. Diamonds are classified according to what is called the 4 Cs grading system. This system will determine how much you will pay to buy your precious diamond. The 4 Cs stand for Carat Weight, Clarity, Color, and Cut.

Carat Weight is the weight in carats of a gemstone. All gemstones areweighed in measurements of carats. Normally, the more carats a diamond has, or any stone for that matter, the more expensive it is. Each carat is divided into 100 points. Therefore, if a diamond weighs 50 points it would

be considered 1/2 of a carat.

Clarity is basically how crystal clear the diamond is. Blemishes can be found in diamonds that were discovered near other types of rock or minerals. Sometimes the other minerals or rock can cause fragments to be transferred onto the actual diamond. The fewer blemishes a diamond has the higher its clarity and value will be.

Diamond colour is simply its actual colour. Contrary to popular belief, all diamonds are not clear. Although a more perfect diamond is considered completely colourless, they can be found coloured from clear to yellow to sometimes even black. In most cases the less color a diamond has, the more value it has, but this is not always the case. The Hope Diamond is considered the most valuable diamond in the world, but it is a black diamond.

The last quality used in the 4C grading system is Cut. This is measures the amount of brilliance and sparkle the diamond has. There are various cuts of diamonds that include round, marquise, and princess cut stones. The round cut has long been one of the world's favorites, but princess and marquise are also very popular. The cut of a diamond can determine how shiny and reflective it is thus enhancing its beauty. There are many reasons why diamonds are adored all around the world.

Some people wear them simply for their beauty and some feel they also play a part in increasing their social status when wearing them. For whatever reason, diamonds have been a favorite gemstone for both men and women for many decades now. Most likely this will continue on for years to come. As long as there are beautiful diamonds, there will be people who love them.

Rich Keys writes about fashion and jewellery. Finding the best information about diamonds can be overwhelming at times. One of the best places we found online to get the straight facts about diamonds is

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Beauty, Diamonds

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