Sunday, January 29, 2017

Warrior Blade 2-0 Face Off Head Review

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Noosa Heads
by avlxyz

The first head I would like to talk about is my personal favorite and is the head I currently use; the Warrior Blade 2.0. The Blade 2.0 is one of my favorite heads to faceoff with because the distinct flared sidewall makes it easy to perform my primary move which is the pinch and pop. The flared sidewall on this stick makes it easy to pinch the ball with the back side of the stick and either drag it to the side of the faceoff x or pop it up to myself for a fast break possibility.

The next point I would like to make about this stick is its flexibility. Unlike many other heads I have used in the past, I feel like the Blade 2.0 was the first head that was able to give me both the flexibility and stiffness that I wanted. Even though these two terms are contradicting you faceoff middies out there will know what I am talking about. When I want a stick that has flexibility, I don't want it to be able to bend in circles, I wanted a head that is able to withstand the pressure it takes to out muscle another head in the x while still allowing me to be able to pinch it and perform my move. The Blade 2.0 was the second head that I have found that has been able to give me just that. The first head was obviously the Blade 1.0 which is no longer in production and can be hard to find one still in usable condition.

The next portion of the game would be your throwing and catching with this head. Obviously you can tailor your pocket to however you would like it to throw but what is good about the Blade 2.0 is that these flared sidewalls allow the front of the head to be very wide allowing you more area in the face of the stick to catch with. This makes it easier to catch the ball for younger kids but probably wouldn't make much of a difference for the experienced player.

Lastly this head meets the regulation rules for the new dimensions of a lacrosse head set to go in effect in 2010. Overall this head has done just about everything I have wanted it to do for me.

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Blade, Face, Head, Review, Warrior

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