Monday, January 30, 2017

Winter Tips For Your Vans

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The weather conditions can influence on the way your van handle, such as fog, rain, floods, snow or frost/ To ensure that your van can travel in winter, read this article to know some tips.


Have your van serviced. That way is should only be the weather that lets you down. Check and replace anti-freeze in the radiator. Engines don't like the cold anymore than you do! Make sure the battery is fully charged. Most batteries last for between two and four years, so if yours is older it may be time to replace it.


Check all light bulbs are working as this provides you with more visibility and will help others to see your van. Lights can get very dirty during the winter which will reduce visibility, so keep them clean and grime free as much as possible. Ensure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure and that they have 3mm depth of tread.


Check window wipers aren't worn or damaged as you will undoubtedly be using them more due to increased rain, snow or sleet. Although it may not actually be raining or snowing, grime from the road quickly covers screens making visibility poor. Give all windows a good clean inside and out. Smears and dirty windows reduce visibility.


Use your fog lights, but don't forget to turn them off when the fog disappears! Snow and ice should be cleared from the windows before setting off. You should also clear snow from the roof of the van before you set off. As the van warms up any snow left on the roof may slide down over the screen completely obscuring your view.


Take a map or Sat Nav with you in case of any unplanned diversions due to flooding, stranded vehicles or accidents. Keep a pair of sunglasses in the van, low winter sun can be blinding!


More accidents happen in bad weather conditions, so make sure your Van Insurance has not expired and help save your no claims bonuses.


Drive according to the weather and road conditions. It takes up to 10 times longer to stop in slippery conditions. Don't get too close to the vehicle in front of you. You may be a proficient driver but others on the road aren't always!


Remember the road may look ice free but black ice is usually invisible. If you realise that your tyres are making no noise at all the chances are you will be driving on ice. So keep your audio system at a low volume or you won't be able to tell!


If you start to skid do not brake! Braking will only lock up the wheels and make the van skid further. If you van goes into a skid turn the steering wheel the direction of the skid. When the van straightens steer along the road with extra care.


Make sure you have the right type of Van Insurance policy. For example if you are carry goods for others for payment you will need to have Goods in Transit included on the policy.


A few simple steps may make the difference between you and your van staying safe on the roads this winter.


Staveley Head provides Van Insurance to cover vehicle damage caused by winter weather conditions.

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Tips, Vans, Winter

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