Monday, January 30, 2017

A South African Citizen's Point of View of the 2009 Elections

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Lying in bed, struggling to sleep (much to my husband's annoyance) on April 23 2009 the day after the elections, I was thinking, "How, did the ANC manage to still get such a majority? They have failed bitterly on service delivery & many people still, after 15 years of ANC rule, don't even have access to tap water let alone anything else. Their leadership is riddled with claims of corruption & the abuse of power. Our crime rate is out of control. Is the Western Cape the only province with some sense? Are they the only ones that are aware?"

Did the ANC improve their electioneering or did the other parties fail? Now, I'm someone who didn't watch the debates & got the party messages from the boards on poles, the odd TV & radio advert & news bulletins. So, I thought about the messages of the ANC opposition parties ... "Stop Zuma" ... "We are Coping" ... Stop Zuma from what? Getting another wife? If you're coping, what's the big deal? Where did they fail? They didn't tell me what they can or could do if elected. The ANC had their stats up all the time ... delivery of so many houses, water to so many places & so many people have electricity. The message I got ... yes, we haven't done enough, but we've gotten rid of the non- performers & we're changing & will start delivering.

Everyone knows where the president of the ANC, Jacob Zuma, comes from - his background, his history. Very few people know where the leader of the DA, Helen Zille, comes from. She's perceived as a privileged white woman & not at all as a black consciousness leader. From her biography some of this comes out - Before politics she worked as a political correspondent, where she covered stories, such as the death Steve Biko. She was able to prove that Biko had been tortured to death & that the official version of the story, which claimed he had died of natural causes, was false. From the 1980s she became involved in NGOs & activist organizations, the Open Society Foundation, the Independent Media Diversity Trust, & the Black Sash.

Why wasn't she profiled more so that the people could see where she comes from? ... That she's probably in it because she believes that she can make a positive difference to the lives of our people. In fact, I had spoken to someone today about Helen Zille & the comment was, "Wow, if I had known that about her, I might have voted for the DA."

Why did the DA win in the Western Cape? I think because the people there have experienced the decent service delivery of the DA in Cape Town (from the still beautiful Cape Town) & the rest of the Western Cape want the same. Why didn't the DA carry that message throughout the country? Why didn't the DA & COPE take their messages to the townships is Gauteng - Soweto, Orange Farm, etc? Why didn't they capture the hearts & imagination of these people (the way Obama captured the USA's)?

Why did the ANC still win so convincingly? In my opinion, because Jacob Zuma got all the attention! We heard the name Zuma rolling off the ANC opposition's tongues as often as it was uttered by the ANC themselves. Mosiuoa Lekota, president of COPE, even went so far as to imitate Zuma's dancing. Yes, the intention was to mock but once more drawing attention to Zuma. I feel that even if the ANC had done no electioneering they still would have achieved an outright majority because very few people were aware of what the other parties were offering as they we giving all their focus & energy to Zuma & the ANC. Even to the point that their songs had Zuma's name in it ... Oh Helen!!

Then Jacob Zuma said it too (the day after most of the results were in) ... Basically he said ... The reason that the ANC maintained, & improved in some areas, is that the opposing parties focused on the failures of the ANC & not on their own strengths & policies.

The DA seemed to copy Barrack Obama's logo, so why didn't they copy his campaign strategy? All I knew from some of the parties electioneering campaigns was that the DA wanted to stop Zuma & COPE are coping.

Next time Helen & Mosiuoa, focus on your strengths & what you're going to do to alleviate the plight of the majority of our people who are still living in poverty. Focus on trust, honesty, living well, education, health, safety & security. You know, the important stuff! Be pro-active! Be pro DA or pro COPE, pro change & a better life. Don't be anti-ANC, be pro you! After all, what you resist will persist!

Written by a South African voter - who has voted in four elections since 1994 - but now without party

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2009, African, Citizens, Elections, Point, South, View

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