Looking For Video Games
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Playing online games are the buzzword. But not all games are rot and useless. Instead there are brain teasers, riddles and puzzles that can stimulate your brain cells and make you lead active and healthy life. Adults' games are so designed to improve memory and to ward off age old diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer.
Some researchers claim that playing adults games few minutes a day improve blood flow and overall brain functioning. It has been observed that with age, people find it difficult to recollect and also confront problems in doing simple things such as forgetting to switch off the gas stove, not remembering where the car keys are kept, missing out on important personal dates and so on. When this early signs of forgetfulness gets bigger, diseases such as Dementia or Alzheimer sets in.
To keep brain cells stimulated and mind rejuvenated, playing adults games is very necessary. Another greatest advantage of playing adults games is that the games are real stress busters. Playing those help you to unwind and fight loneliness as well.
Games for adults designed as brain teasers not only improves memory but enhances your attention span, accelerates your working memory, improves logical reasoning ability. Problem solving ability is also greatly enhanced by playing adult games. There are adult games that are created to improve visual recognition and spatial orientation.
Some adults games that help improve memory are Moneycomb, Memory Match, Monster Garden and many more. In the Money Comb game one needs to collect the coins in accordance with its value. What you need to remember is the location of the different types of coins that is the exact location of the coin need to register in your brain and then you recall that information to collect the coins with respect to its value. These kinds of adults games have proved to be extremely useful in remembering location of things and recalling visual patterns.
Another online game called Speed Match is an exciting one and it helps you to think quicker and analyze faster. One needs to remember each symbol and then needs to indicate if it matches with the previous one. These adults games help you to adapt faster to changing environment and also processes information with better response time.
Once you begin playing these adults games, additionally you need to keep a track of your BPI (Brain performance Index). BPI will be your scores with respect to different cognitive function. After some time, you can see perceptible improvement in your BPI scores.
Adults games help improve cognitive functions manifold. Â
Thousands of people have already joined Lumosity to improve their brain health. Experts say that these brain games improved the memory power of the brain within 2-3 weeks.
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