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Good employees are needed and will continue to be needed by nearly every employer for business expansion. Good advise can mean the difference in getting employees and the right employees for your business.
Business owners or company directors hired by an owner will need to educate themselves on the employment laws. Once the business owner or company director makes their choices on who to hire, the employment laws will need to be taken into account.
Also as an employer, you must concern yourself with the different categories that are recognized by the different agencies that will need this information pertaining to any new employees. Categories such as employee, self-employed, worker, contractor or director is necessary information that must be passed on to the tax, legal, and national insurance agencies. Knowing the difference in these categories will save you many unnecessary headaches, so getting it right the first time is very important.
Having a ready to sign employment contract available to all new persons being considered for employment can alleviate many problems that might want to surface without a contract of acceptable and unacceptable conduct guidelines. This contract must be signed before the new employee starts to work. This is also legal proof of a starting date. However, this is not always a necessary procedure for all employment status categories. Some situations require only a verbal agreement to be binding. Getting yourself familiar with the different types of contracts and what is needed to make each of them legal is a hedge against possible future problems. For most employee status persons, the necessary employment contract must be presented with in 60 days to be legal and binding.
A majority of employers also provide any new employees with the company health and safety booklets or policies, data protection policies, and the equal opportunities policy. Some employers may have additional pamphlets or policies that need to be provided to the new employees. If you are new to being an employer, it is wise that you look into the employment laws for your particular state very carefully. Violating these laws can result in large fines or worse.
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Advice, Employer, Employment
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