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The Indian telecoms market was liberalized in 1998 and has since grown rapidly to become the second-largest telecoms market in the world in terms of subscriber base.
The overall growth of the market is primarily driven by mobile services, which continue to experience rapid uptake. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has actively contributed to the overall competitive landscape in the mobile market by encouraging the entry of new players, which has resulted in a total of 14 mobile service providers operating in India. The TRAI is taking several other initiatives to encourage competition, including the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP), which is expected to be implemented in the second half of 2010, and the recently completed auction of 3G licenses. These developments are expected to benefit end users by fueling competition among operators and putting further downward pressure on tariffs, which are already among the lowest in the world.
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Table Of Contents :
Ovum view
Fixed market overview
Internet market
Multi-play: dual, triple, and quadruple players
Mobile market overview
National regulatory authority
The role of the Indian competition authority
Key legislation and regulation
Principal Act
Other Acts
Telecoms policy
Broadband policy
Current status of market analysis
Wireless licensing
3G licenses
Wireless broadband access
Retail regulation
The retail market
Number portability
Quality of service
Wholesale fixed regulation
Narrowband voice interconnection
Services subject to regulation
Cost model for interconnection usage charge
Amendment of interconnection charges
Intelligent network services
Leased circuit services
Narrowband flat-rate interconnection
Flat-rate Internet access call origination
Wholesale access
Wholesale broadband access
Local loop unbundling
Wholesale line rental
Transition to all-IP networks
Interconnection at international cable landing stations
Leasing of dark fiber
Wholesale mobile regulation
National roaming
Mobile termination charges
Mobile number portability
Wireless local loop
Universal service
Universal service obligation
List of Tables
Table 1: India mobile market information (4Q09)
Table 2: India 3G auction information
Table 3: Fixed sector: services subject to regulation
Table 4: Mobile sector: services subject to regulation in India
List of Figures
Figure 1: India: fixed-line subscribers by operator
Figure 2: Internet subscribers in India
Figure 3: Mobile customers in India by service provider
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Country, India, Market, Overview, regulation, Report, Research, Telecom's
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