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How much is the REAL cost to build my pre engineered steel building?
This is a great question that all customers should be asking, instead of just: "how much is the purchase price of a pre engineered steel building?"
There are several things to consider when accounting for your actual cost of constructing a pre-engineered steel building. The following is a list of the expenses which will factor into your total cost:
01) Purchase of Land: Do you already own the land or have to purchase or lease it?
02) Building Permits: For each stage of building you will need a permit including things like foundation, electrical, plumbing, etc. For electrical, permits will be needed for running wires, breaker boxes, etc. Plumbing items you need to consider permits for are: pipes, sewage drains, toilets, etc. Check with your city and/or municipality for details on permits you will need.
03) Land Preparation: Consider the costs including land clearing, grading and leveling
04) Foundation: Generally there are three options which are: Piers, Perimeter foundation without a concrete slab or a Perimeter foundation with a concrete slab. Ask your salesperson for help making this decision if you are unsure.
05) Delivery of the building: Find out how much the building weighs and distance the building has to be delivered to get to your location. There may or may not be a delivery charge. Very important to check this.
06) End Walls: Most Quonset buildings come with arches only, while I Beam buildings usually come with walls.
07) Contractors: You may need to hire outside trades or a contractor for specialty finishing or other work outside of the steel building companies expertise depending on the specifications for your building. This can include drywall, painting, special outer coverings or finishes.
08) Insulation: Depending on your building style, location, and use, will dictate what type and how much of a certain insulation you will need if you choose to have insulation.
09) Furnishings: Depending on your building use, you will need things like; office desks, chairs, sofas, security system, equipment, lighting, etc.
10) Property Taxes: You may pay additional taxes as a result of building a steel structure depending on location and its use.
11) Miscellaneous: This would include things like; door locks, window treatments, etc.
12) Taxes on the Purchase: Buying online can save you a lot of money on sales tax. Ask your salesperson where exactly they are located. In British Columbia that the new HST tax has taken effect July 1, 2010. Some provinces in Canada have HST and some do not, which can vary your tax rate quite a bit.
13) Construction of the Building: You need to determine the value of who is constructing your buildings time. This includes your own time, your friends time and families time, and if needed, a steel building construction specialists time.
14) Doors: May or may not be included with the purchase of your building.
Now you can figure out the numbers for all these items and add them to your initial building price to get your total cost. If you need just a basic place to start for a pricing idea, then you can start with these basic pieces of information: Building type (I Beam or Quonset), Size and Sales Price. This type of information can be found on the companies website or advertisements. If not all of this is provided there, you may just need to contact the company directly to get the missing piece to get you started.
It is recommended that you make as detailed a list as possible of everything you will need to make your building function, down to every chair, desk, light, etc. Once you have your master list for everything you need you can then retrieve estimates of the cost of all of those items from stores like Home Depot. Once you have your building price and your items quotes, add 10% - 15% to find out the REAL cost of your pre engineered steel building.
If you found this information helpful, make sure you get my FREE report, 20 Things You Must Know Before You Buy A Steel Building. It's FREE and it contains 20 of my best tips for purchasing a pre engineered steel building. Just go to www.bcsteelbuildings.com. See you there!
Colin Bunston has researched high quality information on pre engineered steel buildings to serve the public and customers of British Columbia, Canada. After realizing there was a need to provide solid reliable information for consumers who struggle with the making the right decisions and paying a fair price, BC Steel Buildings online company was created. For more information and education go to http://www.bcsteelbuildings.com
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Build, Building, Cost, Engineered, Real, Steel
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